When I was driving to the farm this day, I realized something. IT WAS HALLOWEEN. I had been caught up with other things that I completely forgot it was my favorite holiday of the year! So in the middle of my drive, I tuned into "Spooky Jookie" by Man Man. Good choice. And just as I parked my car, I noticed a familiar face to my right. It was an old friend, Kevin, from last year's season! He had come to fill in for the night, but boy, it was a blast from the past, and reminded me of last season in comparison to this season (more on that later).
The conditions were still conditions. Saturated yet freezing.
I'm not entirely sure who would come to a haunted attraction on Halloween night. I was hoping the answer would be something along the lines of not many at all. It's a Monday night. And it's Halloween! You think people would come to Bates during the weeks before to find excitement and exhilaration with the anticipation of the night of the 31st. Not to actually celebrate the joyous holiday with us. People should have their own events at their own locations. I was a little confused as to why some of our customers were there. Oh well, it's a business and they are just giving us money. I just have been exhausted and wanted to go home. Yet, it was the last night, so that forced me to attempt to freaking enjoy the damned evening in those damned woods.
But at 8 o'clock, I officially declared my resignation from the season. At least, in my head. The motivation from it being the last night washed completely away, and every following wagon had a little more nonsensical blabber spewed at their faces. And to top it off, the wagons were still rolling through well beyond the end of sell time. My material was used and abused, just like my body and the being trapped inside it. I had lost my humanity and become a machine for the past couple weeks, but I wanted my being back. Maybe I'll find it in November.
The last wagon came through, slowly, but surely. And all of us became revitalized with an energy I had not seen in weeks. It was the last wagon of the season. YEEHAW! And when it came, we did what we could and returned to our scene to wait for that bless-ed pickup wagon. We were officially done. Not in our heads, but out in the world again!
Oh! Exciting news! I heard word that one of my coworkers was planning a very special moment involving another coworker out in front of the Motel at the end of the night. They both worked on the hayride that night, so I saw them together after hearing secrets and I don't know if I ever felt so happy. Being done with the season, hearing some adorable event was about to take place, and looking forward to the rest of the night. I was not there for the actual event, but apparently he took her out to the Motel, asked one of the most potent questions a human can ask another human, and she accepted. Although I had not the pleasure of getting to know these two as well as some of my other coworkers, I do know that these two are just flat-out great people and deserve all the best. I hope someday I can be as "romantic" as Garrett was to Laura on this lovely All Hallow's Eve!
I went to the bar, as it was the final night. For chicken fingers, mind you. Nothing illegal, I swear! And to celebrate the night with some very special people. We got to our table. And after about 20 minutes, my scene-mate from last year, Chuck, comes up to me and asks me, "Hey, did you see Cole Hamels?" And I responded with a resounding, "What are you talking about?" And then he informed me, "He's right behind you!" So I turned around and sure enough, Cole Hamels was sitting right there on the end of the table, right next to mine. Chuck didn't want to bother him, but I assured Chuck that he should definitely do it because Chuck is the coolest person I know and if anyone deserves to converse with him, it's definitely Chuck! So Chuck did. And he talked to Cole for probably 15 minutes. Turns out Cole Hamels is a super duper nice guy and very gracious towards phans!
I think it's safe to say that this Halloween ended up being a very nice holiday, indeed.
(End of 23rd evening).