The first wagons came through around 7PM. Tonight, we kept tabs on the time. We were told that ticket sales would close at 9:30PM. It was a counting down night. Cos after those first few wagons, last night caught up with me and left me for dead.
Sundays tend to be family fun nights. Sometimes you get awesome families with wonderful children and joyous parents. Sometimes you get those families with blissfully ignorant parents and their "kids". It's a luck of the draw. But with the way the night before went, I just was not up for any difficult folk tonight. What is ironic is that the night before, I was decent with the incredibly annoying monsters on the wagons, yet I couldn't handle any sort of sass tonight, not even the little things.
I would say things that made no sense at all, whatsoever, not even in the slightest. I tend to ask the wagon, "YALL WANNA STAY FER DINNUR?!" And then sometimes I get a response asking me what we're having. And I usually respond with, "WE'RE HAVIN' LAYYYY-EGGGGS (legs)" But one normal customer asked me what we were having tonight and I told him, "WE'RE HAVIN' DEEP FRIED, SMOTHERED IN BARBECUE SAUCE HUMAN LEGS!"
WHAT?! What does that even mean? Why did my mouth say that and my mind was okay with it? I'm pretty sure you can't even smother deep fried human legs in barbecue sauce, so I think I scared the customer not with fear, but with just a general well-being for human sanity.
Around 9:45PM, we had a significant break. Yet it was complete silence. None of us conversed with one another. We all hit a stage of exhaustion and delirium beyond recovery and repair. Colin would be completely sprawled on the ground. Hillary would be flirting in and out of consciousness. And I was using my fake leg as a cuddling partner. It was rough.
(End of 11th evening).
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