I do enjoy working here at Bates because there are a vast amount of interesting folk. Everyone has their own stories. And everyone is their own person. There are no two similar persons. Although, the one night, the one make-up guy asked if I was friends with Colin because he said we have the same mannerisms, so I spose Colin and I are alike in that sense. But everyone is very unique in their own way and that's what makes this place great.

Our scene can either go two ways: really swell or really awkward. People do not expect us to come out from where we are. That usually goes swimmingly swell! However, it all depends on the mood of the folks on the wagon when we get up to their faces. If they're into it or at least well-rounded people, then no worries! But if they are no-good, cynical a-holes, then it is super awkward. And I don't like to let up on my schpeel. So it just makes for an all the more uncomfortable scene. And I feel part of that happened when the Travel Channel came through, at least the last time.
I fell tonight! (Again). Except this time, it was a little worse. I didn't just trip over my foot. In my scene, a live actor is getting cut in half by a saw. So she is laying on a bed that is situated on a 8-ft or 9-ft frame. That night, I would sit on top of it, hollering down at the folks and at the girl being cut up. It was all really great. I think I really got into some people's heads. BUT the one time, I wanted to jump down and chase the wagon out of our scene. I stood up. And I wear steel-toed boots with big laces. So I am about to bend my knees to jump down. And as I am in the air, I realize something is not right. My lace got caught on a bolt on the top of the frame and wouldn't let go. I fell directly to the ground, breaking that lace and eating dirt. Apparently, the whole wagon witnessed the event because Colin came back telling me everyone was asking, "did you see that kid fall?" The odd thing is I was completely fine. A little loopy from the event itself, more the experience of it than physical harm, but otherwise, all good!
Hey, remember when I told you that strange things happen in the woods? Well, our thoughts were confirmed tonight. There are animatronics in the beginning of our scene that SHOULD go off when the wagon triggers the motion sensor, yet the animatronics only go off when the scene after us has their animatronics go off. When we told the managers about this, they were a little baffled. The animatronics are not wired to work that way at all and they were a little confused at how that even happened. Another point in the night, we witnessed someone with a light walk into our scene. They had triggered the sensor. Setting our scene off. And we were all a little confused. But a wagon was coming around the corner, so we had to set up. Colin walked over to his spot and heard a voice say, "Perhaps it was me."
It was just Rob. That creepy crawler! But I swear, there are some really odd occurrences in the night in these here woods!
Tonight went super duper quick. And it was incredibly good. My heart was back to normal. My voice had just enough twang. My material made much more sense. It was just good. And we were out by 11:30PM - 12:00AM. A very relaxing Friday evening.
(End of 9th evening).
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